Katrina's Replica

The above map is a replica I created with ArcMap of the NY Times 2008 Election map. The original is pictured below and can also be viewed here.
The above map has several strengths and weaknesses. The symbolization and classification of data according to the election data is well represented with the bar graphic at the top of the page and was carefully replicated. The Lambert Conic Conformal Projection was utilized as well, as this creates a much more aesthetically pleasing map to the viewer in terms of map projections.
There are three ways that the map can be improved. Firstly, the scale of the map is not as well represented in the replicated map as in the original. The sizes of the thematic Continental United States and Alaska and Hawaii are not as accurately rendered as the bar graphic, for example, nor is the font type. I am assuming that the font, Helvetica, is the closest font type to the original; however, ArcMap in the PAB 2035B lab did not have Helvetica as an installed font. As a result, I used the Arial font. Secondly, the color of the map could be improved by toning down the blue and red hues so that they are not too vivid and overwhelming. Thirdly, information graphics could be utilized to make the map more robust in terms of the amount of information provided. For example, the geographic distribution of the number of female, male, Black, White, Asian, and Hispanic voters could be plotted in pop up graphs that would appear with mouse-overs. Adobe Creative Suite (e.g., Adobe Flash) would be utilized in conjunction with ArcGIS to make the map more visually stunning, interactive, and informative to the viewer.
The Original

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